An auction should give the buyers and sellers full control, as-well-as the utmost cost efficiency and reliability. We believe that is why you came to
Ashland International Market.
A auction operator should not buy, sell, or trade through their own auction. We also believe that the operator of an auction should not set the
price on any commodity or item. We feel that this control should be put into your hands, as the buyer or seller, and we believe that you will fulfill these
People can make their own good decisions with the information that they receive. We also believe that we should approach each other in good faith
rather then speculation if something goes wrong. Most problems are not personal problems but system problems. We would rather believe that the system failed
and not that someone is trying to make life hard for others.
We must earn the trust of all buyers and sellers by our good work ethic and performance.
Issues and problems must be talked about with the right person. We do not tolerate gossip, and I ask that you confront the individuals you have problems
with and talk them out.
There are three basic rules that we must work by: Trust in each other; care about each other; and forgive each other if we make a mistake. These are based on
truth. We cannot survive with untruths. We believe that a bad attitude or bad mouthing is not a positive environment to occupy. Our job is to maintain a
more positive attitude and environment for you to buy and sell within.
People have different personalities and beliefs. We believe this is healthy for our auction. We also believe that these different personalities are
motivated differently. It is in our best interest to understand the motivations of others and that their motivations may be different from ours.
All work done should be of quality. All members of Ashland International Market must maintain personal integrity and the business ethics agreed upon
when dealing with others, whether it be fellow employees or outside Ashland International Market.
Ashland's Marketing works |
At Ashland International Market, we are committed to providing excellence in customer service. We believe it's the best way to help our clients achieve
all of their marketing goals. That's why we draw upon a worldwide resources to provide buyers and sellers with a wealth of marketing choices.